Wednesday, January 21, 2015

SHOP UPDATE: More progress on the 41

 I mounted the power brake booster and pedal assembly under the floor. I will have to modify the pedal arm slightly to get the perfect placement.
 The direct fit bolt in seat, bolted right in after I fabricated all the mounts.

 The seat truly is awesome with the bottom opening forward to access the dead space below. I really like it.
 I really don't like the gap between the seat frame and the seat riser. I need to fix this.

Here are the filler panels I made to close the gap. I think it really makes a difference. Thanks for looking.


  1. Iwe it! I am around 1000 miles away and with minimal communications this truck is all I wanted it to be. It is clean as to how the work was thought out before jumping in. Kinda like me with a fire I got a goal and a plan A and plan B & C and is coming along exactly how I wanted it done. No shortcuts--that nobody would know-w.

  2. I do like the seat. Apolstry will help the ride. Steering wheel looks good too. Did the frame finally get completely boxed. I normally do not trailer my bike but I just might this summer some though just to be able to drive this some. Looks real good. Can't wait seems like years since you started but excitement does not make time go fast----But worth waiting for. Quality takes time. So does changes, sorry. Thanks Garey for doing this truck RIGHT.
