Monday, October 30, 2017


 Well it has begun i Pulled my 40 into the shop and got started tonight. I was able to get it dis-assembled tonight. I should get the center cross member removed and start setting the engine and trans tomorrow evening. I will try to work a little most evenings this winter and see how far I can get. This build wont be to extravagant, It should be fairly straight forward. I just want a very clean good driving shop truck.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

SHOP UPDATE: 1978 Porsche 911 Just finished !

Finished this one today. Complete repaint back to original color. This one was a job for sure. Glad its done. Now on to the next !!!

Friday, October 27, 2017

SHOP UPDATE: So I drug my 40 pickup out of the weeds this morning.

So it begins. I pulled the 40 out of the weed patch this morning. This will be my nights and weekends project this year. I have been collecting parts for some time and its time to build the shop truck. We are trying to finish the 32 roadster this year and I have 2 more projects we are starting in the next few weeks so I wont have tons of time but I still feel confident things will happen.

SHOP UPDATE: Thought I would show off a load from last summer

Here is a very cool load that came here last summer thanks to Tim. If you guys ever need something hauled or retrieved, please contact me and I will connect you with Tim. He always gets it done!