Friday, February 6, 2015


Well, sometimes they just don't work out as planned. I wanted to test out my new Devilbiss Tekna spray gun. I thought this fridge project would be perfect. After tons of body work and sanding etc. etc. I am ready to spray. The wine colored base laid down so sweet. The gun so far is killer. Then I laid out the flames with fine line tape and masked off the negative area with masking tape. Next the sparkly silver base coat. It laid down just as good as the other base. So far, we are killin it. I started spraying the candy yellow for the flames and noticed a little tape lifting up on the edges. That's when everything went bad. I guess the solvent in the base coat penetrated the tape and softened the adhesive. So, long story short. The whole project is ruined. I was able to wipe the fridge down with thinner, re spray the wine colored base and get it cleared. Turned out beautiful. All in all the test for the spray gun was a success. the gun is awesome. I am going another round with the door, I am determined to figure out the solution and get it flamed. Thanks for letting me bore you with my story.

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