Thursday, February 5, 2015

SHOP UPDATE: John's 41 ford pickup

I patched the cowl today where the fender bolts on. i still have to drill it and file it square. I also installed the power brake unit and finished the floor today. Tomorrow is steering linkage and e brake. I should finish the throttle pedal and cable as well. I have a bit to do on the tunnel and it will be complete also. This project is finally starting to flow.

1 comment:

  1. Looks real good. Very proud of the job you are doing. Quality vrs a cover-up. Quality takes little longer but will make my children & grandchildren happy to drive a piece of American history built the same year there great grandfather and this country went into world war 2 but the modern features and safety of the 21 century. My dad would have been proud of this piece of history. Thanks Garey for sharing and keeping me updated in Oregon.
